What Do Antioxidants Have To Do With Weight Loss?

By June 17, 2010Antioxidants, Supplements

What Do Antioxidants Have To Do With Weight Loss?

Antioxidant Information Week rolls on!  Today, it’s a video describing how taking the acai berry, a popular antioxidant supplement often promoted for weight loss,  actually works as far as fat loss is concerned.  Really, it’s not just the acai berry, it’s any highly potent antioxidant of the polyphenol type, but I singled out acai because lots of people ask about it.

I sure hope you read yesterday’s post on antioxidants and inflammation, because our old friend NF-kB is back and causing more problems in our lives!  If not, well, I still explain how it all works, but you might want to check out yesterday’s post when you’re done watching the video for a little more insight on how inflammation is triggered in the body… and how antioxidants help.

So, antioxidants aren’t going to make us lose weight all by themselves, but they will help remove a significant block to losing weight- cortisol.  Don’t discount the importance of this.  We’re surrounded by all kinds of industrial toxins dumped into our water and air, pesticides and other chemicals added to our foods, and all kinds of crap we haven’t even discovered yet.  All of those chemical stressors activate the inflammatory cascade, leading to cortisol and therefore more fat (even if you’re low on calories!).

Let me put it to you this way.  How many of you out there DON’T think  your life is stressful?

Right.  So better help yourself out a bit.

So, one more point in the Win column for antioxidants.  Any questions or comments, please feel free to add them below, and if you found this article helpful, spread the word throughout the land via facebook, twitter, or just plain old telling your friends face-to-face about Healthy Andy!

Thanks for stopping by and stay healthy!

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