Food Dyes Make You Sick And Die

By September 23, 2010News Archive

Food Dyes Make You Sick And Die

Here’s a great post on about just how bad the situation is with our food supply.  Specifically, added dyes.

This stuff doesn’t even make our food TASTE any better, just more bright and cheery-looking before we gobble it down.  Unfortunately, it’s absolute poison.  One of the highlights of the article is that we consume 15 MILLION pounds of dyes- just DYES- in our food every year. Blimy!

And, these chemicals are linked to cancer, allergies, and hyperactivity… but hey, the FDA has got our backs on this, right?  Right?

Um, no.  But I think you knew that already.  The FDA knows all about the risks, and lets it slide.  Hey, there’s big money in the food industry!  What’s a little cancer amongst friends when you can make a buck?

Check it out:

Another reason to stick to whole, unprocessed foods and stay healthy!