Fibromyalgia Improved By Exercise, Study Shows

By July 1, 2010Exercise, Uncategorized

Fibromyalgia Improved By Exercise, Study Shows

Fibromyalgia is tough disease to deal with, on many levels.  First off, are the symptoms.  It’s characterized by a lot of wide-spread pain and fatigue, often without any discerable cause.

Second, we don’t know much about it.  In fact, we’re so clueless as to how fibromyalgia works, that a lot of doctors wonder if it’s even really a diagnosis.  Other doctors use it as a “trash can” diagnosis… hell, I don’t have any idea what you’ve got, I’ll just call it fibromyalgia and call it a day.

But, it’s a very real problem for a lot of people, and the lack of knowledge leads to a lack of effective treatments.  A new study shows that short bursts of exercise can improve symptoms for some fibromyalgia sufferers.

It’s not sprinting up bleachers or anything crazy like that.  Basically, about thirty minutes of exercise intense enough to make the person breathe heavily, but not so intense they they couldn’t speak, seemed to do the trick.

This is an important study to have out there because the symptoms of fibromyalgia- pain and fatigue- tend to lead people to become sedentary.  Now, they know they need to keep moving, in order to be able to keep moving.

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