Experimental Gel Fixes Cavities, Worries Dentists

By June 29, 2010News Archive

Experimental Gel Fixes Cavities, Worries Dentists

Could a future trip to the dentist involve no drilling and filling, but just the application of an incredible new experimental gel?  It’s starting to look that way.

We’re not talking prevention here… we’re talking treatment of an actual cavity that has already formed.  Researchers are using a gel with a substance called Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH, because Science loves acronyms) to rebuild teeth in mice.

The whole idea started once researchers found that MSH can help encourage bone growth.  Teeth are basically pointy little bones poking out of our mouth, so the researcher decided “What the heck?  Let’s try it on teeth”.

And, it worked.  Well, at least on mice.  Human use is probably a couple of years away, and will probably be limited to relatively minor cavities, but still, way to go, Science!  More stuff like this, and less stuff like atomic bombs and uncapped oil wells, please!

Do you think dentists will be happy to see this gel come to market, or not?  Let me know in the comment section below!

Source article:  http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37978810/

Stay healthy!