Easy Way to Get More Workout In Less Time

By June 28, 2010Exercise

Easy Way to Get More Workout In Less Time

Everybody’s pressed for time these days, me included, so here’s a quick video on drop sets, a technique to dramatically shorten the length of your workout while still preserving (or even increasing) overall intensity.

This is useful for two reasons.  The first, is the obvious… less time.  Less time exercising means, more time for all that other dumb stuff that chokes your daily schedule.  It also means that it becomes easier to fit your exercise in for the day- which makes it more likely that you’ll actually DO your exercise for the day.

Second, it’s always good to change things up when it comes to exercise.  Using drop sets to compress your training will shock and confuse the body by hitting it with a stress it’s not used to.  These change-up techniques are great for breaking through plateaus in training, stimulating growth hormone levels, and just plain keeping yourself interested and not bored to tears.  Make your exercise as interesting as possible!

Try it out and let me know what you think!  As always, questions or comments, please leave them below!

Stay Healthy!

Join the discussion 5 Comments

  • Ryan Yokome says:

    Hey Andy,

    That’s a great tip, even though I’m looking to add some mass. I think like you said, I’ll add it into my routine.

    I like the idea, never heard of that before. Thanks for sharing man!

  • admin says:

    Ryan, if you’re looking to add mass, here’s a few quick tips. First, eat more meals throughout the day. Although a lot of people say this is helpful for weight loss, I found when I did it, I got heavier (and fatter)… but a LOT stronger and larger. Next, find a good spotter so you can really push yourself to failure on heavy sets of 4-6 reps; without a spotter you just can’t reach that intensity. Last, do legs! A lot of guys neglect lifting with their legs, but I know when I’m consistent with heavy leg training, every other part of me gets bigger and stronger.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  • Kimberly says:

    I love drop sets. Being a personal trainer I used to use that technique with clients all the time. It definitely helps exhaust the muscle. Great reminder! And a great way for someone who says they don’t have enough time to weight train to fit it in!

  • admin says:

    I really think the time factor is huge, Kimberly. When you know you can blow yourself out of the water in just 20 minutes, it becomes hard to honestly say “I don’t have the time”.

    Thanks for taking the time to comment!

    Oh and I almost forgot to mention- I sent out a link to your awesome fajita recipe in my last newsletter!