#1 Best Exercise For The Side Abs (Obliques)

By July 3, 2010Exercise

#1 Best Exercise For The Side Abs (Obliques)

Okay everybody, I finally got around to shooting a video demonstrating the side plank, the best exercise you can do for the side abdominal muscles (the obliques).  Remember, there’s more to the abs than just the front “six pack” abs.  I know, I know, the six pack gets all the press, but the abdominal muscles form a ring all the way around your waistline that acts as a built-in weight belt to protect your spine and support the contents of your abdomen (i.e., your guts).

A huge mistake in exercising the obliques is the use of heavy resistance.  You’ll sometimes see somebody in the gym holding a heavy dumbell in one hand, bending at the waist the other way.  Bad idea.  First off, that’s not the way the joints are aligned in the lower spine, so you’re asking for an injury.  Also, heavy resistance builds bulky, big muscles, not sleek, slender muscle.  I don’t know anybody who’s thinking “You know what I want?  A thicker waistline!”

The side plank will offer a low level of resistance for a sustained period, which is what you want to create a slimmer, sleeker look in the abs.

So there it is, the mighty side plank.  Be sure to check out the other videos on my youtube channel, healthyandy9.  Why healthyandy9?  Because some dirty SOB already took healthyandy, that’s why!

Did you find this video helpful?  Questions?  Comments?  Post them below, and as always, if you see someone in the gym screwing themselves up with dumbell side bends, tell them about this video and healthyandy.com!

Stay healthy!

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